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WozED Science and STEM

Thanks to the support of the Dickerson Foundation, the science department is excited to add the WozED Science and STEM kits to our available resources available to support 3D science with a focus on inquiry and phenomena-based teaching. These kits will help us take our science curriculum to the next level. They are designed to encourage students to take a more hands-on approach to science. The 8th grade Science team is already working on determining how to integrate the kits into the curriculum to make a more well-rounded student focused experience in science. We have also included three STEM kits that can be incorporated across all curricula. These include app design, artificial intelligence, and animation. These tools are game-changers for our students and open the door to more opportunities for our students to see how science and STEM can connect to their interests and their future endeavors. It is because of the generous support of the Dickerson Foundation that we can give our students these experiences.


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